A Note from Bud
"I said in the No Sweat bookmark that I hoped that
readers might laugh and cry within moments of each other - as I did
while writing it....and now I have heard that from just one person so
far and that is quite enough...but I had heard the same from a young
woman at the copy shop in Durango 3 years ago who kept a copy of the
original manuscript...but what does a woman know about war...just her
husband, sons, sisters, fathers, brothers, cousins, daughters... her
very heart and soul that she gives up...that's ALL!!"
Here is Bud then and now. He pretty much looks the same if you ask me!
"I have essentially finished reading NO SWEAT...I found it refreshingly different from most books because it is constructed in such a way that one can read an article, look at photos, news clippings, and other items without losing continuity. In other words, it is easy to read. The book is well written and does not contain most of the typos found in other self -published books. You are to be congratulated on your attention to detail that resulted in an excellant end product. Your memory must be superb." - Lucien Thomas, Scottsdale, Arizona
"...I laughed and cried a number of times, some while even on the same page." - Ted Parker WWII B-29 Combat Crew Member
“Your Christmas Homecoming (HOMO GO) brought tears to my eyes. Really! Thank you for making me remember how lucky I am!”– Londa Boots, Assoc.Dir. Author Services, Authorhouse Publishing Co.
“Bud, I read all your postings, some times with tears, others with laughter but always with enjoyment” Bud, I not only enjoyed NO SWEAT but treasure it!" – Don Brzezinski, WW II B-29 Combat Crewman, Massapequa, NY
“EVERYBODY STAND UP"..."I thought I was in that airplane. You should take up writing or maybe you have.” -Earl Johnson, USAF Maj. Gen. Retired, WW II B-29 Aircraft Commander & 19th Bm.Gp.C.O.,Orlando, Florida
“NAMSAN-NI…What an excitingly told tale. Your ability to tell a story is a wonderful gift. You bring it to life as if we were really there!” Jean Allen, WW II B-29 Combat Crewmember - WAS really there!
“…I laughed my ass off. Great stuff, if the rest of the book is as good, it should be a best seller.” –Don MacHenry, Graphic Artist, New Kensington, Pa.
“I read your story with Tears…” – Iris Fry, B-29 Web Site
“OH BABY! I was right there…rocking in my chair to gain momentum…go GO! GOOOOOOOOOOO!!! What an excellent piece…EVERYBODY STAND UP…you made it so real…amazed at how you can vividly describe so much! I almost feel like I am sitting on your shoulder, feeling what you feel, taking in all your emotions. Oh what a wonderful work!! I love you my HUBBA HUBBA GUNNER!” Susan Bryan, Lt. US Army, Poet/Writer, Computer Artist
NO SWEAT- by our own Bud Farrell. This is a collection of approx. 85 narratives (and numerous photos with most taken personally by the author), related to thoughts and observations of many people and incident she experienced in a relatively short military career during the Korean War, but almost a subsequent life time of reflection of all! You can order this book signed directly from Bud for $28.00 including S&H...get a copy, sit back and enjoy. I know Bud personally, and this will be a book filled with laughter and tears, love and enjoyment~ Sallyann Wagoner,B-29 THEN & NOW Web Site: b-29.org
About the Book
You can preview part of just one story (of 85 short nonfiction stories, 350 plus pages, 85,000 words) excerpted from narrative the "EVERYBODY STAND UP!", by accessing the below and/or following listed book review site link in red. You may also order NO SWEAT then if you wish: 1stbook.com
NO SWEAT and/or "YO!" can be purchased here or by calling 1-888-280-7715, OR I will also be glad to take orders here in order to sign with a personal note and perhaps save you a buck or two, postage prepaid and in a padded envelope, at $ 28.00( vs. $ 30.25 from the Publisher) OR even $ 25.00 if purchased locally and no postage is required. My phone number is 520-818-9257, ground mail address is 38171 S. Golf Course Drive, Tucson, Arizona, 85739. I have lost track of many of our mutual friends, so if you talk to any, please let them know about NO SWEAT ( my Korean War B-29 Combat Crew Memoir) and also "YO!", (my family and personal memoir)! And "YO" to YOU...and Thank You for sharing my friends and memories! Sincerely Bud Farrell
As a direct result of this book – NO SWEAT – two awards of Military Medals have been made to recipients in 2003 & 2004 as follows:
The Distinguished Flying Cross (Oct. 23, 2004)

Airman 1st Class Angelo Menna, or Cranston RI, for entering an open B-29 bomb bay, with no parachute on, and manually throwing 3 photoflash bombs and salvoing a "hung" 500lb bomb after aircraft experienced a 45 degree angle dive and pullout at 1200ft and approx. 2.7 seconds from impacting ocean surface, 11/26/1952.

Airman 1st Class Angelo Menna, or Cranston RI, for entering an open B-29 bomb bay, with no parachute on, and manually throwing 3 photoflash bombs and salvoing a "hung" 500lb bomb after aircraft experienced a 45 degree angle dive and pullout at 1200ft and approx. 2.7 seconds from impacting ocean surface, 11/26/1952.
The Airman's Medal for Heroism, Posthumously (August 2003)

Airman 2nd Class Donald Wilson of Hillsdale, Illinois, for his valiant rescue of two crewmates while losing his own life in an attempt to rescue a third from sinking a ditched B-29in extraordinarily rough seas after a midnight return from a North Korean combat mission on October 31st, 1952. Just three of fourteen survived.

Airman 2nd Class Donald Wilson of Hillsdale, Illinois, for his valiant rescue of two crewmates while losing his own life in an attempt to rescue a third from sinking a ditched B-29in extraordinarily rough seas after a midnight return from a North Korean combat mission on October 31st, 1952. Just three of fourteen survived.