Emergency Gear Extension

One thing that is absolutely critical to the care of your Beech, that some might not know how to accmomplish, is the Emergency Gear Extension. We are huge proponents for performing this in the safe, correct manner we've designed, and also as a pilot knowing how to use the tools and equipment to be able to extend the gear in an emergency. Click here for a link to information on the emergency gear extension procedure

Modifications and Differences

This aircraft is incredibly versatile, and with that has many different purposes and parts. It not only varies from the different models, but also with what you want to use and get out of the aircraft. Click here for a link to information on the differences and modifications of the Beech 18, and to see which fits you and your needs best.

Spar Concerns

This is another critical aspect of owning the Beech; maintaining and knowing the health of your spar. This aircraft has known issues with the spar, and fixes for those isssues, so this is a mandatory read for all Beech owners, no matter which kind you have. Click here for a link to information on the spar concerns

To go with those concerns, this is an option to fix for the aforementioned issues. Click here for a link to information on the spar replacement

A mandatory AD for the spar concerns is the spar strap, but there are many different kinds.Click here for a link to information on the spar strap

X Rays

This falls under preventative maintenance, as it will be the best tool for knowing the health and condition of your spar. Click here for a link to information on the x rays