Below is an example of the pre purchase inspection report for a typical inspection. We also do Warbird pre purchase inspections. Click here for an example.
The Pre Purchase Inspection of the Beech 18 is an important evaluation tool that is designed to help you determine the condition of a Beech prior to purchase.
Our inspection includes a basic airframe inspection, Engine run up and system checks, review of the log books and documentation and and a web report with photographic documentation.
During the inspection I will take approximately 500 to 1000 photos and possibly videos.
The pertinent photos will be posted below with and necessary comments. These photos are of a lower resolution so should you desire higher res images just ask and I can send some to you via email or I can send them all on a DVD.
Although the pre purchase inspection and report is similar to how our annual inspections are conducted, please understand that they are not at all the same. The pre purchase inspection is one person, namely me, and typically takes a good portion of one day to inspect and photo document the aircraft and documents provided. It usually takes another full day or two to analyze the photos and prepare the web based report. Our basic annual inspection (run up, open airframe, inspect, lube and close, no repairs mind you) on average, takes two mechanics one week to perform. One person looking at the aircraft for part of a day will not find every problem with the aircraft, so you should expect that more problems will show at the annual/100 hour inspection.
The pre purchase inspection is meant to separate the wheat from the chaff as far as Beech 18's are concerned. We do offer a reduced rate on our annual inspection if we have done the pre purchase inspection within 6 months. Call or write me for details.
Please be sure to do a title search to look for any liens or encumbrances that might be filed with the FAA.
Hobbs meter reading this date 1596.2
Total time airframe (from Log books and present Hobbs) 7691
Last annual completed on 9-1-16. Next annual due by 9-30-2018
Pitot static transponder check date 1-11-17. Next inspection due 1-31-2019
ELT battery replaced on I am sorry that I did not see or photo document the ELT or its battery. There is a copy of a sticker in the documents that says the battery is due in November of 2018 but this remains unverified.
X-ray and compliance with AD 75-27-09R2:
This is a bit of a mystery as the reported date for the x-ray was March 18th, 1976. This entry does make the first reference to AD 75-27-09 and it says that a portion of the inspection was completed but it does not mention anything about the x-ray. Click here to go to this log entry
A previous log entry dated 5-22-75 refers to an x-ray for a previous AD that was close in scope but not the same. It said that copies of the films were sent to Beech for evaluation.
Even if this was a complete x-ray the fact remains that this was done over 40 years ago. I have to recommend that an x-ray to the current standards and more be accomplished to make certain that the spar truss is sound. I would request that the sale be contingent on the spar passing the x-ray.
Right engine serial number 42-20938 was overhauled by Covington Aircraft Engines on 4-8-88 at 889.4 Hobbs. This means that the engine has 416.1 hours since major overhaul.
Left engine serial number 42-24726 was overhauled by Covington Aircraft Engines on 4-8-88 at 889.4 Hobbs. This means that the engine has 416.1 hours since major overhaul.
Oil samples were taken and will be sent off for analysis. The sale should be contingent on a passing report of the oil analysis.
Left propeller, Hamilton Standard model 22D30-317 hub assy serial number 159058, was last overhauled on 2-11-2003.It was installed on 7-26-1996 at 1180.1 Hobbs. Last compliance with AD81-13-06 was accomplished on 7-30-2013. Next AD compliance due 7-31-18
Right propeller, Hamilton Standard model 22D30-317 hub assy serial number 159081, was last overhauled on 2-11-2003.It was installed on 726-1996 at 1180.1 Hobbs. Last compliance with AD81-13-06 was accomplished on 7-30-2013. Next AD compliance due 7-31-18
Some of the STC's encountered were:
Alden RORS, rocker oil recovery system to prevent hydraulic lock and makes for cleaner engine starts with less oil from the exhaust stacks on starts especially after sitting for extended periods
Cleveland Wheels and Brakes
Tall tail wheel
Aerospace windshield
Dee Howard spar strap that was installed at the factory
Aerospace metalized flight controls
Control column and arm AD. It looks as though the elevator control arm has its factory paint in place which means the paint has not been removed for dye penetrant inspection. There is also evidence of the inspection having been accomplished without removing the arm. There appears to be factory hardware on the taper pins (Cad I nuts and cad plated steel cotter pins) indicating that these have not been removed for inspections. Since cracks often appear near the taper pins it is important to remove the nuts and collars to allow the penetrant process to be done near the pin holes. We feel it is necessary to remove the arm assembly from the aircraft so you can get a good look at the whole arm and the areas around the pins which is difficult at best when it is installed in the aircraft. I would recommend removing it for a detailed inspection at the next annual.
In general this aircraft is in exceptional condition especially when compared to other Beech 18's flying today. From what I can see she is mostly original and has had good maintenance and has been well cared for. It appears that she has spent most of her life in a hangar and out of the elements. Although there is evidence of some water as indicated by stains and water marks in the airframe, I believe that her time outdoors was very limited.
The usual heavy use areas show little wear. There is the expected faying on the cowling and dirt and grime in common areas of the aircraft. Certain areas will need a good cleaning but the majority of the internal airframe shows factory paint, stamps and markings that are bright and fresh looking.
Some of the original factory features will need to be changed however namely some of the rubber hoses that have not been changed since they were installed in 1956. Thankfully most are working as vents or non critical areas but there are a few fuel tank couplings that are critical to replace as well as the brake hoses that are rock hard and should be changed as soon as possible as a brake failure could be catastrophic.
Other rubber hoses mostly have dates from when the last heavy work was accomplished and seem to have 2012 cure dates. Most of the fresh hoses are located forward of the firewall but not all have been changed. It is recommended that rubber hoses should be changed every 8 to 10 years. I would recommend replacing the 1950's vintage hoses immediately a complete rubber hose change aft of the firewall and the fuel lines at the next annual inspection.
As can be seen in the photos the steel 4130 spar truss has the factory silver paint in place but has areas of light rust starting to show through. This is common but should be treated to prevent any further corrosion from forming or growing. I would recommend a full corrosion treatment at the next annual inspection with Boeshield or equivalent material.
The photos below will have comments as needed both positive and otherwise.
She is a beautiful Beech that has been well cared for by the owner and his mechanic. I think Mr. Redhead took care of any items that came to his attention and that if he had known about any of these other items he would have fixed them without question.
Static comparison of all temp indications. OAT 90 F and 32 C
Oil temps are degrees F while carb and CHT are degrees C. A bit of a mismatch as it is usually either C or F
Oil temps left and right 29
CHT left 31 right 50
Carb temp 22 left 20 right
AC volts and frequency meters are not often seen in the Beech. AC was used for older avionics but is still needed for the original style fuel flow system and the copilots attitude indicator
Present Hobbs reading 1596.2
Most of the engine push pull controls are smooth but the left oil shutter and both manifold heat controls are stiff and are in need of lubrication
This air control is also stiff and needs a pressure lube
Suction slightly low. Clean the screens and adjust as necessary.
Starting temps and pressures were normal
Database needs to be updated
Avionics package
Left fuel selector valve is stiff and needs lubrication on the detents
Left engine oil on the ground. More than the right but this is normal for radials that have not run recently
Right side was very clean
Rocker shaft leak
Rubber baffling is old but still pliable and functional
Most of the data plates appear to be original from the factory. This one carries the same serial number as the airframe. The numbers would not necessarily perfectly match but be very close
Wrapper sheets have multiple cracks that have been welded. this is common as the Beech stainless parts (dishpan, wrappers and ramps) are prone to cracking. Someone has used liberal amounts of silicone as chafe protection
Many loose Dzus fasteners from the cowling and wrapper sheets need to be fixed and secured
Another cowling with matching serial number
Lots of silicone
Old rubber baffling but it is still pliable and functional
Serial number BA-86. I believe that this is the original cowling from the factory as well as the number is very close to BA-189
Another matching number
Belly pan shown no evidence of big leaks
Belly area is clean
They said that the main fuel valves had been changed. They look like they re in great shape. The drip does not look like fuel to me.
The landing gear dynamic brake relay looks like is is a new production part and has been changed recently
The original insulation in the belly is still present and is worn in places and should be removed. The landing gear shafts look like they have been cut and modified with couplings for ease of maintenance. Some debris can be found in the belly which is common but should be cleaned
They said that the landing gear motor had been replaced with an overhauled unit. It looks to me as though the gear box has also been changed which would explain the shaft coupling mod
The factory finish on the spar truss is present and is in very good condition.
One spot of rust can be seen on the right and in other areas throughout the spar
which is common on Beech 18's today but this one is far better than most.
Cleaning needed
Note the factory stenciling
on the spar that is bright. This said HEAT TREATED ASSY.
The crossover tubing for the deice system is in place even though the aircraft came from the factory without boots or any other plumbing. No Rivnuts were ever put in the wings. these tubes are extremely hard to install so I presume that they were left there for possible future installation.
Cleaning needed. Note small rust spots on the spar. The insulation should not contact the spar as it will hold moisture which will promote corrosion on the spar.
The wood floorboards are in excellent condition and show no evidence of moisture indicating that this aircraft has had little exposure to rain or heavy weather. Original wiring is in beautifulcondition.
Solid state inverter for the compass system is an aftermarket mod
Brake master cylinders appear to be original as do the hoses. The rubber boots are cracking from age. No visible leaking was present but you can expect to reseal these in the future. the hoses are rock hard and should be replaced now
The brake master cylinder feed hoses are also original with the yellowed protective tubing that was originally clear. These hoses should also be replaced very soon.
I believe that the rock hard pressure hoses from the brake master cylinders are factory original
Rubber cure date appears to be from the 4th quarter of 1956!
Parking brake valve weeping hydraulic fluid
The elevator control arm is subject to an Airworthiness Directive. It needs to be removed for a proper inspection and I believe that this has never been removed. The hardware is factory and there is evidence of dye penetrant inspections having been done in place. Note the white and red material. This is an important AD and the arm and columns should be inspected properly as soon as possible.
The screws for the rudder reduction pulley cover should be no longer than 5/16of an inch. Several of these were too long and marks where they were contacting is present. The owned replaced these screws while I was there.
Note the scrape marks on the metal bands. No pulley damage was visible
Factory insulation on the bottom of the floorboards of the main cabin
The aircraft has a Cleveland wheel and brake modification
Dent on the bottom of the fuselage
Dee Howard spar strap installation is nice and clean
Main fuel tank boost pump hoses appear to be original from the 1950's and should be replaced.
Aux fuel tank fuel rubber couplers also appear to be original and need to be replaced very soon.
The steel soar drag tube under the fuel tanks has light surface rust. I recommend corrosion protection
Evidence of fuel leaking from the aux tank side wall or higher up location
Wing trailing edges and flap hinges are in good condition
Wing stub covers need to be replaced
Landing gear wells were dirtier than I would have expected. It is a simple matter to clean them. this is the landing gear door mechanism. fuel tank vent tube rubber coupling is quite old
Aft edges of the gear doors are in good condition with no evidence of wear and cracking that is common on most beech's
No distortion or repairs in the spar tab area which happens from hard landing or ground loops
Top of the wing spar is covered in grime and should be cleaned along with the rest of the gear wells
It looks like the upper landing gear brake hoses are newer
Spar tubes in the gear well have some surface rust and should be preserved
The left oil tank looks like it has been removed and cleaned or replaced with newer hose
The landing gear chains have white lithium grease on them that should be removed. No grease should be used on the chains or slide tubes. They should be thoroughly cleaned and properly lubed.
Original feathering pump
It is hard to tell but the aileron cable turn buckles may not have safety wire. Further inspection eeded.
Grease on the landing gear system is not correct and can result in jamming the gear by the collecting dirt and grime. It should be completely cleaned and properly lubed
Universal joint boot for the landing gear system
Broken spar tab on the vertical tube in the slide tube cluster. This is common
Cleveland brake components and pads look good
Grime just aft of the firewalls needs to be cleaned
Most of the rubber hoses and couplings aft of the firewall should be replaced
The oil dilution system is still installed and plumbed in. Most of these have been disconnected due to potential leakage of fuel into the oil system.
Tube clusters look tobe in decent condition
Upper chain pulley brackets look good
Outer wings look good with factory primer, paint and grease pencil notations from assembly
Cleaning needed
Some rust on the wing spar
The position of the brake caliper should be re clocked for safety. Please contact me about this
No cracks were found on the exhaust stacks
Unusual repair on the manifold heat control
Weld repair to the exhaust stack
Most of the hoses forward of the firewall appear to have been replaced recently
Engine mount tubes appear to be in good shape
Pal nut may have loosened up on this cylinder base nut
Heat muffs are in decent shape with no previous repairs or cracks seen
Exhaust clamps are in good shape with no cracks or previous repairs visible
Dishpans have multiple weld repairs which is common. Asbestos chafe material is worn
Rubber baffle material is old but still intact and pliable
Most all canon plugs are tight with little wear noted
The cannon plug on the feather pressure switch is loose
The ignition conduit is tight and in good shape
Lord mounts are vintage but are not sagging or are displaced
The left oil cooler appears to have a small leak
Cowl former ring mounts have some slop. This can cause cracking and premature wear.
No cracks or repairs found on the wing fairing that commonly have problems
Welded patch to the heat muff collar
It looks like a chrome dress up kit has been installed and the engine nose cases have been repainted
Alcohol anti ice slinger rings are installed but no boots are installed on the propeller blades
Rocker oil drain kits are installed
Weld repairs to the dishpan and missing chafe material
4th quarter 1984 dated hose on a vacuum pump
Cracked and a repair to the cowl former ring
Exhaust looks to be in good condition
Stop drilled crack and previous weld repair in the dishpan
Original fuel flow transmitter
The glass appeared to be clear and in good shape
The left voltage regulator is missing the cover and has more corrosion visible than the right side which makes me wonder if battery acid may have played a part in this
Some paint runs and sags can be found around the aircraft
Some distortion on the wing skins common from fueling operations
The inside of the wings have original factory primer and paint and are in very good condition. Some slight rust on the spar channels usually due to light paint at the factory
Light rust on the spar which is common but preservation material should be applied
Cleaning needed in the wing root
Stall warning switch
Some light rust on the aileron cables. Preservation needed
1959 dated fuel vent hose couplings. Amazing original factory condition
Ever so slight corrosion starting. Preservation needed
Some rivets show signs of having been sanded down presumably when the last paint job was accomplished. The skins are often sanded to get the paint to adhere better. This aircraft appears to have not been stripped of its old paint but the old paint was sanded and then the new paint applied above the old.
Very nice skin conditions throughout the whole airframe
The wing star and bar is a vinyl decal
Matching serial number on the left wing data plate
Aileron pulley is tight and shows little wear
No over speed wear or damage visible on the flap jackscrew attach point which is common on many Twin Beech's
Little distortion visible on the fuel tank doors
Outer rubber fuel cells appear to be in good condition and no sagging was seen
Interior and air stair door are in excellent condition with the trim and details on the door looking new
Old paint scheme visible under the topcoat
A few flat topped sanded rivets were found
Inside of the aft fuselage and the draft boot were a bit dirty but in good condition with factory primer
The interior has been replaced but the original seats and furnishings were used. This aircraft seems to have always been an executive aircraft and retains all of its factory interior parts. It is very nice. Here is the original toilet
The door is complete with the thermos bottles
Instrument hoses are factory original too with1956 dates on the rubber
Gear and flap motor access panel opening in the cockpit floor. Cleaning needed
Several wires have been cut off of terminals on circuit breakers. These should be cleaned up.
The tail wheel is an aftermarket part
The tall tail gear truss is also a modifiation
Small dents on the tail gear pivot bulkhead. Skins are in excellent condition and no damage or distortion was found
This circular opening was for a bar for lifting. The damage is often seen in this area from improper placement of the lifting bar.
The tail gear channels are straight and show no distortion
Tail gear slide tube
The tail gear and chains should be cleaned and lubed with proper lubricants
The aft opening of the tail gear well has some dents
Horizontal stab spar modification is in good condition and properly installed
The correct aluminum shear bolt is in place on the tail gear slide
The lower surfaces of the horizontal stabilizer are straight and clean as is the metalized elevator
The leading edges of the horizontal stab have black tape presumably to replicate deice boots. The tape has air bubbles
Possible damage to the lower tip of both vertical stabilizers
Looking inside of the vertical stabilizers for spar damage and cracking
No damage or cracks , that are often found, were present in the vertical stabs on this Beech
Inside of the horizontal stabilizer
Cant read the SN for the vertical stabilizer
elevator hinges appear to be solid and no corresponding elevator damage from over extension
Inside of the tail cone
Factory primer and besides some dirt settling on the lower surfaces she is very nice
Trim casing fraying which is common on 60 year old cotton
A few more flat topped rivets from sanding
Paint mask paper found inside of the right vertical stabilizer. It has been removed.
Inside of the right vertical stabilizer
very nice!
Unable to read the data plates on the two vertical stabilizers
Extra access panel installed on the right lower vertical stabilizer. Possible for a repair. Note tape used as an abrasion boot.
Possible crack in the horizontal to vertical fairing
Hard to read the main manufacturers plate but it does appear to have BA-189 stamped into it.
Old registration marks visible through the markings
Paint runs found in various places
Right wing skins and tank doors are in very good condition
Broken/missing screws on the fuel tank sending unit cover
Corrosion on the inside of the right aux fuel tank cap
Inside of the fuel tanks looks quite good with some sediment present
The cork float looks like the sealant is cracked but it is still functional
Both flaps show no obvious abuse or over speed damage.
Matching right wing data plate
Inside of the right wing
Metal plates were made and put over the lightening holes that are normally covered with fabric. They used steel screws that are rusting. They should be replaced with stainless steel or removed and fabric used
Aileron pulleys are solid and show little wear
Damage to the trailing edge of the right wing tip
Never any Rivnuts from the factory for deice boots
Dirt and debris in the wings. Original vent hose that should be replaced
Factory hardware. The cables are starting to show some ruse. Corrosion protection needed.
Slight beginnings of corrosion in the wings (white coloring). Corrosion protection needed for preservation
1995 dated vent hose
Light surface rust beginning to show on the steel spar truss
Heater ducting in the right wing
Aileron servo for the autopilot in the right wing
Red colored streaks could potentially be linseed oil. Further investigation needed
Debris and shavings likely from the spar strap installation. Should be removed. Corrosion on spar truss in this area has spots that are a little more concentrated. Cleaning and preservation needed.
Factory grease pencil markings with the serial number
Flap hinges look solid
A little crusty in places but good from what I can see
Old fabric on the lightening holes that needs to be replaced
Sorry that I cannot rotate the photos. Some kind of glitch is preventing me from doing this
Heater pump, valve and filter in the right gear well. Old fabric on lightening holes.
Rusty heater ignition unit
Aft gear doors are solid. Little visible wear and no repairs or cracking seen
Cleaning needed
Spar truss data plate matches...of course
Old hoses that need repair
Poor choice of lubricant. This grease can hold on to dirt and debris that can cause premature wear and possibly jam the gear
Old original feathering pump
Heavier rust on the spar tubes. Cleaning and painting with a rust conversion type of paint would be the best way to go. Lots of labor required but well worth it. At a minimum cleaning and corrosion protection
Lots of grime just aft of the firewall
Non aircraft or Mil spec hose here for the brakes. SAE quality
Adel clamp torn loose possibly from the engine control fouling with the landing gear
Very old hoses on the boost pump that need to be replaced.
Some stains from old leaks
Rust on drag tube under the fuel tanks
Old fuel hose coupling that needs to be changed
Stop drilled crack in an area prone to cracking. This should receive a doubler
Clean belly and spar strap cover
Another stop drilled crack in an area prone to cracking. Nacelle to wing fillet.
Weld repair to a crack in the dishpan and silicone over the top
Old hose couplings on the oil cooler that need to be changed
Cannon plugs on the firewall are all solid and show little wear
Too tight radius bends on the CHT thermocouples
Many hoses firewall forward have 2012 cure dates
weld repairs to the dishpan and exhaust
Exhaust felt solid and the clamps are in good shape
Some mechanic like to use liberal amounts of silicone. Original rubber on the carb heat shield
weld repairs
Both engines have had a chrome dress up kit installed (pushrod tubes and front ignition harness and the nose cases have been painted
The cylinder base nuts that I could see looked good
Pushrod tube leak
Weld repair to a heat muff collar
Original fuel flow transmitter
Use of silicone on accessories like this means silicone inside of the engine
No cracks or much wear on this cowl former ring
Small rocker shaft leak
Glass is very nice
Top of oil tank
Cracked battery access door and near by skin
This generator voltage regulator is nicer and hardly any corrosion found in here. No battery either. Original vent tube that needs to be replaced. The steel wire inside can easily cause dissimilar metal corrosion
Factory installed cross over tubing for the deice boots system. No other plumbing or mechanism is installed.
Rubber fuel couplings are original from 1956 and need to be changed immediately
Old hoses
Unusual wear on the side of a pulley. Further investigation needed
Looks like a 1st quarter 1955 date on the fuel hose coupling
Debris needs to be cleaned from under and around the spar
Fabric lightening patched should be replaced to be sure that the fuel tanks are isolated. Any leaks and the fumes will go straight to the cockpit
Like new on the inside of the main tank cap and tanks
But the outside is quite corroded
Sheared screw on the main tank cover
Inside of the nose
Elevator cable tension seemed to be too low for me. It should be checked to be sure it is within limits
These are the aircraft documents as presented to me. One special feature is the airframe books are complete from the factory test. This is quite rare today. Very nice!
Log books from 1975 that refer to the spar strap and AD75-27-09
This blurry entry mentions the first reference to AD75-27-09 which is the first version of the current wing spar inspection
The current airframe log from 1998 to present
Last annual inspection September 1st, 2016. It has flown just over 2 hours since.
Pitot static transponder and altimeter test 1-11-2017. Next due 1-31-2019
This entry is for the Aerospace STC for metalizing the flight controls
Engine logs and docs. Both engines were overhauled at the same time
Left engine serial number 42-24726 was overhauled by Covington Aircraft Engines on 4-8-88 at 889.4 Hobbs. This means that the engine has 416.1 hours since major overhaul.
Right engine serial number 42-20938 was overhauled by Covington Aircraft Engines on 4-8-88 at 889.4 Hobbs. This means that the engine has 416.1 hours since major overhaul.
Propeller logs and docs
Left propeller, Hamilton Standard model 22D30-317 hub assy serial number 159058, was last overhauled on 2-11-2003.It was installed on 726-1996 at 1180.1 Hobbs. Last compliance with AD81-13-06 was accomplished on 7-30-2013. Next AD compliance due 7-31-18
Right propeller, Hamilton Standard model 22D30-317 hub assy serial number 159081, was last overhauled on 2-11-2003.It was installed on 726-1996 at 1180.1 Hobbs. Last compliance with AD81-13-06 was accomplished on 7-30-2013. Next AD compliance due 7-31-18
Latest AD compliance was 8-1-13 so the next one is due at 8-31-2018
Misc docs and tags
Cleveland wheel and brake STC
Aerospace windshield STC
ELT battery date
If you have any question please call or text
(209) 982 0273
(209) 982 4832 FAX